《1089》筆塗塗装 攻略のメソッド
《1089》Method Series: How to paint by Brushing

型番 4910087340721
筆塗塗装 攻略のメソッド



112ページ 2,420円(税込)

Method Series:
How to paint by Brushing

Brush painting is the fundamental technique in model painting.
Even those who now primarily use airbrushes likely started with a brush in hand.

If you're someone who has said, "I don't like brush painting," I encourage you to take a look without prejudice.
You might discover something new.

Topics Covered:

Various brush types and hair varieties
How to dilute paints for brush application
Trying out enamel paints for overall coverage
Achieving even and clean application on large surfaces
Excelling in detailed painting and weathering The unique advantages of brushes compared to airbrushes

Released on June 21, 2022
112 pages
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