Pastic Model Technique Guide 4

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いよいよ塗装のテクニック編に突入です。塗装というのは塗料を使って色をつけていくということなので、その色ということに関してから解説が始まります。このシリーズですのでやはり色自体の哲学的科学的説明(概念論や理論といった根本的な部分)から解説し、塗料についても顔料や染料といった分かっているようでよく分かっていない事項についても深く掘り下げて説明します。さらにモデラーの鬼門でもある混色についての基礎知識も学べることが出来るので、今まで混色で思ったような結果(濁りの問題など)が得られなかったひとに是非読んでほしい内容です。図やイラストを多数使用して分かりやすく読みやすい構成でお届けいたします。 後半は、初代の塗装テクニックが全開となります。これであなたも色と塗装のエキスパートに!





B5 128ページ

Pastic Model Technique Guide 4
- Painting Techniques in Practice
Master the Core of Painting! A Comprehensive Guide to the Essence and Basics of Color!

We're diving into the advanced techniques of painting! Since painting involves adding color using paints, this guide begins with an in-depth look at color itself. As part of this series, we’ll explore both the philosophical and scientific fundamentals of color—concepts and theories that often go unexplained. We also delve into crucial, yet commonly misunderstood, aspects of paint composition, such as pigments and dyes. Additionally, we cover essential knowledge of color mixing—a notorious challenge for modelers. If you’ve ever struggled with achieving the right color blends without muddying your results, this guide is a must-read. With clear illustrations and diagrams, the content is designed to be easy to understand and follow.
In the second half, we present the original painting techniques in full force, helping you become an expert in color and painting!

Color Theory Fundamentals
What exactly is "color"?
The phenomenon of color vs. color as a property of objects
Colors in Practical Paints
Color as a material property
What is paint?
Basics of color mixing
Layering for color mixing
Painting Techniques
Review of the basics
Techniques for gradient painting
Hands-On Model Painting
Issues when painting parts
Challenges related to color vibrancy
Pushing the boundaries of expression

Release Date: October 29, 2024
Format: B5, 128 pages
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