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Japanese/English Bilingual Edition

The latest edition of ship blueprints by Mr. Koji Okamoto is finally here!
Sample page available here!
¢¨Model Art Official note
Japanese/English Bilingual Edition
The battleship Kongo was a cruiser battleship ordered by Japan from Britain with the aim of introducing the construction technology of super dreadnought battleships.
It was equipped with 36cm guns, surpassing the 34cm guns that were the mainstream in the Britisxh Navy at that time, making it the first in the world to do so. After its completion, it underwent sequential modifications. In 1929, it received its first major overhaul, which reclassified it as a battleship. Furthermore, in the second major overhaul starting from 1935, it underwent enhancements such as extending the stern, replacing the engines, improving its artillery capabilities, and strengthening its antiaircraft and aviation armaments. The sister ships, "Hiei," was built by Yokosuka Naval Arsenal, while "Haruna" and "Kirishima" were constructed by the Kobe and Mitsubishi Nagasaki shipyards, espectively. The four ships of the Kongo class became the most active battleship class during the Pacific War. "Super Illustration: Japanese Navy Battleship Kongo" is an illustration collection created by Mr. Koji Okamoto, incorporating aspects clarified through extensive research of various materials and photographs. The illustrations are drawn with meticulous attention to detail, including considerations for historical accuracy.
Chapter £±¡§
To See Kongo in Ship Diagrams
Featuring 1/500 scale side views, overhead views, and cross-sectional views.
Chapter 2:
Comprehensive 3D Views of Kongo in Two Parts
Get a complete understanding of Kongo with detailed 3D diagrams showcasing both port and starboard sides.
The Full Picture of Kongo as seen in Internal Perspective View\
Examine every detail of Kongo with intricate 3D dissection diagrams, covering the bow, bridge, funnel area, rail deck, stern on the port side, antenna pole enlargement, stern on the starboard side, and more.
Examining Ship's General Arrangement Plan in Detailed Sectional Diagram
Delve into specific aspects of Kongo with segmented diagrams, including bow side views, bridge side views, funnel area side views, rail deck side views, stern side views, bow top views, bridge top views, funnel area top views, stern top views.
Plan of Bridge, Funnel, Rail Bridge, Related Components
Explore detailed diagrams of the bridge, funnel, rail deck, and associated components, featuring side views, front views, back views, top views, and three-dimensional schematic representations.
Gun Turret Armament
Learn about the weaponry and armament of Kongo, including 45-caliber 41st-year type 36cm twin gun turrets, antennas, external barrel guns, sighting and firing training caliber 8cm external barrel guns, and more.
7 Aircraft Armaments and Naval Vessels
Discover the aircraft equipment and ship's boats with views from below, reinforcement plates on the bridge back, the fairlead shape and gangway at the stern, procedures for handling malfunctioning rudders, and more.
Chapter 8¡§
Gunfire Control Systems, Optical Instruments
Explore 110cm searchlights, 60cm signal lights, and 4.5m secondary gun rangefinders in this chapter.
Detailed of Explanatory Diagrams of Each Etructure
Detailed explanations and diagrams of various structures, including comparisons between 'Haruna' and 'Kongo' (1935).
Layout of Parts on the Top Gallant Forecastle
Study the arrangement of components on the top deck with detailed diagrams for the areas near the bridge, funnel, rail deck, and the placement of the naval flag.
Battleship Kongo Timeline:
A chronological record of the actions and events involving battleship "Kongo."
Release Date: January 30, 2024 (Tuesday)
Japanese/English Bilingual Eddition
Price: 2,900 JPY
152 pages (Black and White)
Includes 2 fold-out diagrams

You can purchase from here!
¢¨Purchase Model Art eBooks
from Outside Japan Here